March 14, 2010

Pete's Wicked Ale from Pete's Brewing Company

By Don

I mentioned in an earlier blog that my family and I recently went on a trip to New York City.  I also mentioned that my wife is a vegan and researched restaurants in the city.  Well, she obliged me the opportunity to eat dinner one night at the world famous Carnegie Deli.

I've had a corned beef on rye at Canter's Deli in Los Angeles and felt that I needed to do the same at Carnegie.

We were escorted to our table near the back of the restaurant and were immediately told by our waiter, Wayne, that we were seated in the best section and that the gentleman sitting next to us would be picking up the tab!  Wayne just kept the jokes rolling from that moment on.

I didn't even really need to see the menu.  Corned beef on rye was calling my name.  Wayne told me that they had great cole slaw, so I added that to my order.

Then, I asked about their beers.  Wayne ran down a list of their beers and finished up by saying "Pete's Wicked Ale."  "Pete's it is," I replied.

The food was out lickety-split along with my Pete's and a plastic beer mug.  I poured my beer and prepared for my feast.

Pete's Brewing Company from San Antonio, Texas formed in 1986 and has grown to distribute across all 50 states.

Wicked Ale is an English brown ale that pours out to a nice reddish-brown color.  It has a frothy head that dissipated quickly.  It's a smooth drinking ale.  A nice hoppy bite, but the malty sweetness overtakes the bitterness making it an easier drink.  At just 5.5% ABV, you can have a couple with your meal!

It was definitely a nice pairing with my corned beef on rye!

Wayne kept us laughing while we enjoyed our meals.  Luckily, I didn't get the "double meat" on my sandwich that Wayne offered because I don't think I could've finished that and I hate leaving food on my plate!

Great experience at the legendary Carnegie Deli.  I look forward to going back again, having another Corned Beef on Rye and a Pete's Wicked Ale!


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