March 16, 2010

Young's Double Chocolate Stout from Wells & Young's Brewing Company

By Rick

Dessert beer. Yeah- I know it sounds weird. But if you're proud to be called a beer geek- and are reading this article- you know what I mean. Don & I deliberately left this beer for last in our recent testing session- and our wives willingly joined in with the tasting!

Young's Double Chocolate Stout measures in at 5.2% ABV. Check out their brewery's very interesting story @ This tasty British brew most commonly can be found here in the USA in bottles or "nitro-charged" cans. (This review is based on the canned version.) As you can guess- the product might look/ taste differently depending on the method of containment. All the more reason for more taste tests!

I thought this was a wonderful beer to finish off our night of sampling! It pours a nice, healthy dark brown with a beautiful creamy-brown head. Of course- the chocolate smell is apparent, but only subtly apparent- which tantalizingly made me want to take my first gulp all the more! ("Less is more!")

And what a mouthfeel: zesty, effervescent- a great finish to a great evening! We all simply nibbled on some dark chocolate candies, but just think of other pairing possibilities: cakes, brownies, ice cream treats.... (And it's something you can share with your wives- like Don & I did! (Dare I say St. Valentine's Day?!

If you've read my other reviews - you know I'm a "bitters boy", but it's always a treat to try other great types of beers. I think a good stout should not be "filling", but instead should be satisfying- something you can enjoy and look forward to drinking again.. That's exactly what Young's Double Chocolate Stout is! (And you wife might even agree too!)


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